To help the world’s leading innovator in sport and hunting archery, Easton, celebrate its 100-year anniversary, we dug deep, wrote, designed, and coordinated the printing of an exquisite photo-rich book that chronicled the legacy of this family business turned sporting giant.

I’m sitting at my desk this morning with a big smile and hugging the finished product — THE Book of the Century! It looks so amazing!! Thank you all for the effort you put into this project — what a joy it was to work with each of you.
Karen GriffinPrograms and Compliance Director, Easton Management Group
You’ve assembled a wonderful team at Echo. I was so impressed with your ability to take a conceptual discussion and turn it into a beautiful spread.
Karen GriffinPrograms and Compliance Director, Easton Management Group
It happened more than once that we only had a vague idea of what we wanted. Then a meeting and a general idea turned into an end result that was fantastic! It was a distinct pleasure to work with all of you.
Karen GriffinPrograms and Compliance Director, Easton Management Group
I will proudly place this on my coffee table as a reminder not only of the company to whom I’ve dedicated 30 years, but also to the memories of working with such a marvellous team to accomplish this assignment. Best wishes for your continued success.
Karen GriffinPrograms and Compliance Director, Easton Management Group