Services // Brand Story Consulting

Make People Fall In Love With Your Brand

Our Approach to Brand Story Consulting

The brands that have the most loyal fans are the ones telling the best stories. Once we nail your brand story, we make it easy for you to make it the foundation of all your marketing, sales, and HR decisions.

Confidential Interviews

Our superpower is asking the right questions that jostle authentic and powerful insights from people who may have grown used to describing your brand in a clichéd, outdated, or jargon-cluttered way.

Brand Story + Activation Workshop

After we’ve crafted your clear, memorable and emotionally moving brand story, we gather your key teams virtually or in-person to share your Master Brand Story with them, get their buy-in, and coach them how bring it to life across all your marketing, sales, HR, communications, and leadership channels.

Ambassador Book

A great story is only effective if it’s shared. We create a brief and inspiring Ambassador Book that you can give to every employee to make it easy for them to be a proud steward of your brand in a way that is meaningful to them in their role.

Strategic and Tactical Plan

We map out the best ways to share your story with your employees and customers, including in person, printed marketing materials, corporate and brand museums, trade show displays, RFPs, web pages, videos, town halls, head office tours, packaging design, press releases, social media, and more.