Braiding together a story where business meets personal
Bayshore Hotel, BC ferries, McDonald’s, several airlines … René Fluri has had a hand at feeding nearly everyone in Canada. When Echo’s founder, Samantha Reynolds, met Fluri in 2015, he told her how he had been thinking about a book for some time, but it never took flight, so he discarded boxes worth of materials, including letters from lawyers and other business documents. Now, wanting to share his story more widely, he was keen on revisiting a book. But with pieces missing from the puzzle, we needed to get creative in unearthing the baker’s past and his family’s history, and within it, find the challenges, drama, and moments of risk that would hook in an audience unfamiliar with the man behind the magic.
A nostalgic take on how business used to be done
Fluri has an inspiring immigrant story that dated long before his childhood. Born into a family of business-savvy bakers, he drew a lot of shared family values as he navigated his own career in Canada. We wanted to explore those in the book. Guy Saddy, one of Echo’s talented writers, worked closely with Fluri, and conducted nearly a dozen interviews with the baker to learn about his life story. What arose was a nostalgic reminder of how business used to be done, plus myriad examples of trust and the power of personal connections. When it came to the book design, Fluri was drawn to larger type, so we used bold, dramatic pull quotes throughout in tandem with a collection of rich archival photos from his life.
One more cool thing...
Proceeds for Ronald McDonald House
Fluri named his company Golden West, because of his strong connection to Canada and the accepting welcome he experienced in his homeland. That warm feeling flowed through his life and, from everything we uncovered, every pastry he ever created. What’s more, that warm and generous impulse continued into publication: proceeds from book sales were to be donated to the Ronald McDonald House, a nonprofit organization that Fluri has long supported.